Total Produce UK rebranded to Dole UK on Monday 7th November, as it joined the group's Irish, Nordic and exotics businesses to reflect the wider group’s new identity.
Managing Director, Mark Owen comments:
“What this rebrand will do is reflect what is undeniably an important milestone in our evolution.
”Our combination with Dole has made us, not just a more global company, but a better partner in produce.
”While our commitment to existing partners in production, local and global, will remain undiluted, our influence from farm to fork will enable us to ensure best agronomic and sustainable practices right across the global supply chain.
We very much look forward to sharing the benefits arising from these developments with our suppliers and customers in the months and years ahead.”
Dole said that in practical and administrative terms, the transition to Dole UK was expected to have minimal impact operationally with no changes outside of company name to contact details, registration or VAT numbers, invoicing or banking details, existing company policies, practices or terms of trade.
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