News & Insights

Brexit is on but there's still no certainty for food producers

As one of the UK’s largest procurement businesses, we've been working with suppliers and members to minimise the impact of Britain leaving the EU in...

Challenges and opportunities facing leisure and hospitality

The leisure and hospitality sectors have been disrupted like never before in recent months, with operators needing to adapt their businesses in order to operate...

Why the government put young people at the heart of recovery

The world is facing its second economic downturn in just over a decade and amongst the measures to help the economy recovery our government have...

More clarity required on temporary VAT reduction

As discussed in our recent newsletter we, alongside others in the industry, are awaiting a bit more clarity from the government on the temporary VAT...

The national VAT reduction - a hindrance or a help?

Following the implementation of the reduced VAT in leisure and hospitality, there is a distinct split between operator’s opinions as to whether it should be...

RPG estate reopening weekend analysis - sharing our experience

Saturday the 4th of July marked the biggest easing of lockdown in England, with leisure and hospitality sectors able to finally welcome the public back...

Affects of pandemic and Brexit on red meat market

The two main events of 2020, namely Coronavirus outbreak and the up and coming deadline for Brexit, will influence the Red Meat market over the...

UK sees uplift in food sales between April and May

Over the last month we have seen an increase in purchases from our members as they prepare to adapt their businesses in order to reopen...

Current and future market pricing

Current & Future Market Pricing The current situation with COVID-19 has put the market into uncertainty and is making what was a relatively stable; or...

Pandemic and Brexit catalysts to creating self-sufficient nation?

The coronavirus pandemic has seen supermarkets shelves stripped bare by stockpiling Brits, resulting in the supply chain struggling to keep up with the surge in...

HMRC identify problem with furlough claim system

HM Revenue & Customers launched its Furlough claim process yesterday processing 140,000 applications from businesses across the country. Chancellor Rishi Sunak confirmed that in just...

Budget set to boost business

Following Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s budget announcement on 11 March 2020, business owners up and down the country can breathe a sigh of relief. Amidst promises...

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